Peace in the New Year!


I am feeling so blessed to be able to see a New Year. It is something about the New Year that makes you want to start fresh, leave the drama in the past and step with a renewed vigor and excitement. I hear many say they don’t make New Year resolutions and I understand why. I think throughout 2013 I made several resolutions lol. Some I followed through with and some I never quit saw all the way through. For 2014 I have several goals. I’ll check in 2015 be it the will of God with my progress.

In 2014 I’m praying for God’s peace. This is a tumultuous time in the world and so much is at stake. It’s a blessing to be living in this day and age. My last lengthy phone convo in 2013 left me very introspective and affirmed. I have been studying my life and the events that have happened. A lot has seemed coincidental and some seem like they are leading up to a very well calculated purpose. However this year may present itself--I’m ready! I know you are too. How can we not be? We have God’s grace and divine favor and insurmountable opportunity. Let’s live a life of Purpose!

Peace and Blessings!
DeAndrea Muhammad

What are your goals for 2014??

"Mother, wife, sister and friend...Redefining feminism, reclaiming righteousness, and resurrecting a spiritual way of life.."


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