Week 27- 30 Blessed beyond measure

Time is flying. This pregnancy has flown by. I have only 10 more weeks to go! I have been feeling totally blessed. Blessed beyond measure…

Although I am still working full time, I have thought of work as a pleasant distraction. I recently changed jobs and dealt with a lot of self-doubt at the time. In the time of transition I questioned if my new employer would find a silly reason to not hire me, or if I would be treated differently. But God calmed my spirit…and I knew what was for me, was for me!

Much to my surprise I was hired. Most of my coworkers have treated me differently, but not in a negative way. Many are very excited or just curious. I’m glad I didn’t let any negative thought hinder me from pursuing a place I really wanted to work.

Physically I have started to get tired again. Sleep never relieves it. It’s a feeling of fatigue. I’ve tried to take some moments to myself to just relax. Warm baths, reading time or just relaxing watching a movie have been some favorites.

Emotionally I have been a wreck. I find myself crying a commercials or movies that I was previously unaffected by. Not that long ago my little girl was sick, and I broke down in the waiting room after a fit of laughter...Hormones! Well that’s what’s up! LOL..

I’m looking forward to my baby shower soon. I’m having an early one due to travel restrictions out of state. I’ll keep you posted!

Peace and Blessings in the new year! -De


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