Even Skin Tone Naturally!


This is a special treat! One of my like minded friends has wrote an article as a guest blogger for Original Beauty. Kimbra has a Masters of Science in Clinical Nurse Leadership and is also a certified massage therapist. This recipe she shares is simple but very effective. Enjoy!

She writes:

"Here is my kitchen naturalceutical:
This is a simple, inexpensive, natural and painless remedy for uneven skin tone and skin tags. 

Here is what you need:

Mix baking soda and Castor oil  together to make a thick paste-like consistency.

I also use this mixture on my face. I just rub it mildly all over my face while in the shower, then rinse it off. It leaves my skin smooth and exfoliated, and seems to be evening out my skin tone. My skin in very acne prone, but this does not clog my pores. Castor oil actually has antibacterial properties.
If your skin tags are very small, you should see and feel a noticeable difference after the first application. I used this on my chest twice in one week, and my skin tags (very small) were 95% diminished."

Castor oil is a non-comedogenic oil that can be applied to the skin to flush out the pores, and soften scarred skin cells so that they can be removed more easily. Since castor oil is especially purgative, it is helpful in flushing out impurities and bacteria from the pores to eliminate blackheads and drain out pus. Castor oil can be used on the skin up to two times per day to empty your pores and loosen acne scar tissue.


  1. My skin is awful. Will you please email this complete recipe. I currently cannot pull up the photos.

    1. Greetings!
      A friend of mine created this recipe. Start with a 1:1 ratio of powder and oil (ex. 1 tsp oil and 1 tsp powder). Gradually add more powder to make paste like. You want the mixture to be thick enough to hold on skin without running off. Hope this helps!

  2. Thank you for the tip. I'm going to try!!


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