Easy Natural Lip Stain Recipe

Easy Natural Lip Stain Recipe
Here is another all natural beauty alternative. Instead of using store bought lipsticks or lip stains you can use this easy recipe for similar effects. This recipe will leave color on your lips all day long with little fading, and best of all its non-toxic!
Recipe #1
-1 beet
-1 tablespoon of honey
-2 tablespoons of olive oil
-          Peel and chop beet into small pieces.
-          Liquefy beets, honey and olive oil in a blender or food processer.
-          Strain mixture through coffee filter or cheesecloth and pour into glass jar.
Tip: For different color stains, try ground espresso or other colorful fruits (strawberries, cranberries etc.)  to make a custom stain to match your skin tone.
How to Use Lip Stain
This product will stain your fingers! So apply with a lip brush or cotton swab. Add a nice clear lip gloss on top for a perfect lip! This all natural recipe will last a couple of weeks in the refrigerator. Don’t keep any longer than a month in the refrigerator to prevent bacteria from forming.
Here is a natural lip gloss recipe to try over your lip stain!
Recipe #2
2 teaspoons beeswax melted
2 tablespoons, sweet almond oil
5 drops essential oil (such as orange, lemon, or mint etc.)
2 drops vitamin E


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