Improve Indoor Air Quality- Happy Home


Have you ever thought about the air quality in your home? Well here are some good reasons to ponder over it. There are many energy efficient features out nowadays. These features keep heated and cooled air inside, where you want it, but they also trap in the bad stuff—toxins from cleaning supplies, mold and other nasty pollutants that can make you sick.

Indoor pollutants cause a range of health issues such as asthma attacks, lung cancer, heart attacks and nausea, says Janice Nolen, assistant vice president for national policy and advocacy at the American Lung Association.

Other products can pollute indoor air. Formaldehyde can be found in textiles, adhesives and particleboard products such as cabinets and furniture. Paints, air fresheners, dry-cleaned clothing, aerosol sprays, adhesives and fabric additives used in carpet and furniture can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs), toxic chemicals that outgas into the air.  Dogs and cats can track pollutants from litter boxes and outdoors.

So what can you do?

1. Monitor your home to improve indoor air quality. Look for signs of pollutants: unusual odors; stuffy air; lack of air movement; dirty or faulty central air or heating units; excessive humidity; mold or mildew.

2. Open windows and ventilate your home frequently.

3. Buy a house plant. All the plants in the list are easily available from your local nursery or even in some grocery stores.

·         Philodendron scandens `oxycardium', heartleaf philodendron
·         Philodendron domesticum, elephant ear philodendron
·         Dracaena fragrans `Massangeana', cornstalk dracaena
·         Hedera helix, English ivy
·         Chlorophytum comosum, spider plant
·         Dracaena deremensis `Janet Craig', Janet Craig dracaena
·         Ficus benjamina, weeping fig
·         Epipiremnum aureum, golden pothos
·         Spathiphyllum `Mauna Loa', peace lily
·         Philodendron selloum, selloum philodendron
·         Aglaonema modestum, Chinese evergreen
·         Chamaedorea sefritzii, bamboo or reed palm
·         Sansevieria trifasciata, snake plant

4. Use natural cleaners like some of the ones listed on this blog: (See: )

Breathe Easy!

Golden Pothos plant



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